Flip Solomon
Flip Solomon

Flip Solomon

Flip Solomon is a multidimensional artist based in Austin, TX.  She creates large-scale pen & ink drawings and works from her very vivid dreams.

“Having Narcolepsy means that I have excessive and incessant REM cycles throughout 24 hours, both during sleep and awake time.  It makes my dreaming very vivid and it feels like I have a 2nd life in my dreams.  When I started meditating, the first thing I noticed was that it cleared all the clutter out of my dreams.  All of a sudden I was getting very clear messages from the dream world and I started putting these themes of higher consciousness into my artwork.  The dreams were of a much higher vibrational frequency than my everyday thoughts in waking life.

“When I’m awake, I’m pulling these concepts together into compositions for my artwork.  I try to imbue each piece with beneficial symbols and themes of abundance, oneness, balance, infiniteness, and unity…  Working large-scale helps with my wakefulness and drawing is the one thing I can do while experiencing my waking REM episodes.”



With a clean, contemporary design, our art displays are designed to be fit into any decor. Wexel Art also collaborates with independent artists to curate an exceptional and unique collection of ready-framed art. This collection continually evolves, and every purchase directly supports the contributing artists.