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Are you a shop owner interested in carrying the Wexel Art collection? We have a program for you! Or maybe you're an interior designer looking to spec our frames in a project? Please contact a sales rep at 877-609-1920 or for more info. You'll need to answer some questions about your business to see if you qualify (have your tax ID handy). Please fill out this Tax Exemption Certification Form and email it to
Industry Program | Wholesale Program |
- You are buying for a specific client or project | - You are stocking inventory for your retail store |
- You prefer custom sizes and wallscapes designed for certain areas. |
- You need a good selection for your customers, who will all have different needs |
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Are you a shop owner interested in carrying Wexel Art? We have a program for you! Or maybe you're an interior designer looking to spec our frames in a project?
Please contact a sales rep at 877-609-1920 or You'll answer some questions about your business to see if you qualify.
Have your tax ID handy. Please fill out & SIGN this Tax Resale Certificate and email it to